INFO@CIVILGUARDK9.COM        480-570-8468      


Chris Fraize dog trainer Kittery Maine

Office call 207-703-2228

Email: caninesolutions@K9sts.com


​Our out of state referral for trainers

​Training you can trust

The resources on this page include vendors, wellness experts , articles, associates we trust and highly recommend . All the information on this page is reliable information you can use for free. What you'll find here is our own personal experience with products, food, equipment and contacts who've made contributions that will assist you in raising your German Shepherd or dog in a healthy environment.

Civil Guard K9 © 2013

Welcome to Civil Guard  K9's Resources    Reliable information you can trust   


Chris Fraize dog trainer Kittery Maine

Office  call 207-703-2228

​Email: caninesolutions@k9sts.com


Steve Walter dog trainer Seattle Washington

Office  call 425-892-2519

Steves cell 201-412-9979

Email: steve@nitrocanine.com



​Clay Fonvielle dog trainer Houston Texas 

Office  call 202-780-9527

Email: clay@teamnofear.biz
